clinical diagnosis
Our Present is Your Future
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The background to our Clinical diagnosis apps
Founded by Health Care Professionals for Health Care Professionals, Doctot’s raison d’étre has always been to improve patient safety and well-being. Whilst a need to generate sufficient revenue in order to sustain itself obviously existed, the Consortium’s founders were always adamant that physicians and their patients should be placed far ahead of maximising profits. Particularly inspired by Jonas Salk’s decision not to patent the Polio vaccine in order to distribute it as widely as possible, a unanimous collective decision was made to make available a Free Clinical Diagnosis App range.
Incurring all Development costs (as well as ongoing Tech Support and Maintenance ones) themselves, Doctot released a suite of Market-Leading Apps in areas ranging from Neurology and Cardiology that were free-to-download, with no strings of any description attached. The feedback received from the Medical Community confirmed what Doctot's founders suspected in advance – that the move would be the best decision they’d ever make as a Group.
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